Under the granabio label, a specialised team from granaagro Deutschland GmbH operates on the European organic market from its Berlin office. From here, not only is procurement for the fenaco cooperative in Switzerland ensured, but the entire European organic trade book is also managed.
With this team, granaagro Deutschland GmbH offers a reliable supply of organically produced raw materials from farms, first gathering centres or processors. This makes us one of the leading full-range suppliers of raw materials on the market. The Berlin-based granabio team has been active in the organic market for several years and is characterised by a high level of expertise in the trade and logistics of organic raw materials.
Our traded product range includes milled and feed grains, legumes, oilseeds and vegetable oils, feed proteins and other feed materials and by-products.
We offer our market partners:
- Secure purchase of organically produced raw materials
- Reliable contract processing and fair contract conditions
- Extensive expertise in organic commodities trading and processing
- Absolute solution-orientation
- Procurement and sale of organic raw materials
- Efficient logistics for organic raw materials
Information for our suppliers, customers and forwarders
For suppliers:
- Einkaufsbedingungen granaagro Deutschland GmbH
- Purchasing Conditions of granaagro Deutschland GmbH
- Merkblatt für Lieferanten zur Beladung
- Erklärung zum angelieferten Erntegut
For customers:
- Verkaufsbedingungen granaagro Deutschland GmbH
- Terms and Conditions of Sale of granaagro Deutschland GmbH
For freight forwarders:
Your contacts for the trade
Germany, Scandinavia, Great Britain, Romania and Italy
Northern Germany and Poland
Austria, Hungary, Romania and Italy
Jana Löschke
Trader / site manager Berlin
Maximilian von Cysewski
Trader & Field sourcing
Paul Kreutner
Logistics / contract execution feed grains
Southern Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium
Southern Germany, Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic
France and Belgium
Marie Sophie von Bose
Vaclav Zacek
Field sourcing
Shoshanna Dorany
Trader / Quality management